Signage and Adaptation

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Anxious to make daily life , especially the art and wealth of patrimony more available , especially to the public with special needs (within the 11 February 2005 French Act domain); Arrimage conducts signage and adaptation work in various fields, as architecture, sculpture , or painting, allowing the vision of their equivalent in mental images on different media such as bronze , ceramics , glass, and resin.

Below are some examples of our achievements - Reproduction Rights prohibited

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Located on the Rock, adjoining the prison and the Oceanographic Museum of Monaco, this garden still contains the old cattle water trough of the period, witness to part of the history of the Principality.

Saint Vincent Cathedral, located in Chalon sur Saône, is a Gothic style cathedral built between 1090 and 1522, classified as a historic monument since 1903.

In 2010, we created a resin model on a scale of 1/50, currently located in the cathedral, allowing access to as many people as possible of this jewel of the end of the 15th century.

"In 1861, Cézanne abandoned his law studies and left for Paris where he met the future impressionist Camille Pissarro. Cézanne rarely hired professional models and preferred to call on close friends, members of his family or strangers from his hometown of Aix-en-Provence (...), it is possible that the model for “Portrait of a Peasant” was his own gardener.